Friday, December 16, 2005

Postia Suomeksi ( +Infoa Joulukuun meditaatiosta.)

Tervehdys kaikille jotka lukevat tätä!

Nimeni on Anssi Moilanen, Lauri Anssi on koko nimi, (mikäli joku ihmettelee tämän blogin osoitetta). Ajattelin, että koska kuitenkin suurin osa ystävistä ja niistä jotka tälle sivulle saapuvat ovat varmaan suomesta niin voisi olla hyvä idea kirjoittaa myös suomeksi. ( Tajusin myös,että tämän blogin kautta voin tiedottaa meditaatioista joita aion pitää tulevaisuudessa.)

Hieman itsestäni ja tästä blogista ( blog= lyhennelmä weblog sanasta= netti-lokikirja, päiväkirja)
Olen 24-vuotias opiskelija. Opiskelen tällä hetkellä Jyväskylän Yliopiston Yhteiskuntatieteellisessä pääaineena filosofia. Ensimmäinen vuosi tässä oppilaitoksessa. Olen kiinnostunut monista asioista. Henkisyydestä, itsensä kehittämisestä, maailman tilanteesta ja sen parantamisesta, musiikista ja lähestulkoon kaikesta luovasta toiminnasta. Harrastan meditaatiota, lukemista, kirjoittamista, elokuvia ja hieman liikuntaa sekä joogaa.

Olen Jyväskylästä kotoisin ja täällä opiskellut kunnes muutin Savonlinnaan, jossa kävin Taidelukion. Vuoden 1999 olin vaihto-oppilaana Australiassa, Melbournessa. Sen jälkeen kun valmistuin ylioppilaaksi vuonna 2001, muutin Helsinkiin jossa suoritin opintoja Snellman-Korkeakoulussa, Steinerpadagogisessa opettajankoulutus-ohjelmassa. Välissä kävin myös siviilipalveluksen Lahdessa. Viime syksynä 2004 palasin Australiaan, jossa suoritin opintoja opettajan-apulaisena paikallisessa peruskoulussa Mt.Barkerissa Etelä-Australiassa. Harjoittelun jälkeen tutkin Australiaa lisää. Palasin Suomeen keväällä 2005.

( Tiedote: Siis seuraava meditaatio on 22.12 Torstaina Mandala-talon hoitohuoneessa, klo 18-20. Te, jotka olette täällä Jyväskylän alueella silloin tulkaa mukaan! Kyseessä on Ylösnousemus-meditaatio. Luvassa on henkistä työskentelyä Sielumme, henkisten energioiden ja Henkisten Opettajien kanssa. Opetusosuudessa käsittelemme Joshua David Stonen kirjoituksia Jeesuksesta ja Kristuksen merkityksestä otsikolla 'Sisäinen ja ulkoinen Kristus'. Luvassa on oikein hyvä meditaatio sekä hyvin kiinnostavaa tietoa. Tervetuloa! Namaste! )

Monday, December 05, 2005

Some directions for this blog.

Now when I have spread the word a bit about this site to my friends, I think I ought to write some more, so that you will have something to read.

I was going through some other blogs just to see whatkind of blogs people are doing here. ( One very popular blog is called 'Where is Raed?' I think that's the name. That is a very interesting blog. You can also find it if you just put 'Baghdad blog' as the serch-word in the Google. The writer lives in Baghdad and in that blog he has written about his experiences during the time when the coalition-forces came into the country and the Saddam's regime was being thrown out.)

I think in this blog I would like discuss about all the events that I see happening in the world and also about the events that happen in my life. I would like to discuss about what life is all about, where have come from, who are we and where are we going? All the big questions. But still integrate it to the events in our everyday-life. This could be both a philosophical blog and an experiental blog. A real Life-experiences but also intense thinking about and within Life. Not only would I like to contemplate about nature and experience of life, but I would like to be actively creating truthful but positive views about life and to be actively creating a fulfilling, creative, Light-filled collective experience of Life. This blog would be one one small part of that huge process.

Some basic thoughts about Life. I am convinced that Life is not merely a chance-occurrence.
What i mean by this is that I am convinced that Life and Consciousness is not just a side-product of random happenings in a material-universe. Life is much more than that. Life is the same thing as God! Life is Conscious. It is one, essentially undivided, Being, that is beyond all classifications. We are Life. I could say that we are part of it, but because I view Life as being undivided whole, we are not 'just' parts of it. We are Life itself. The stuff of Life.
In that sense, we are already united with God.

How have I come to view life in this way? My views have developed over the time, as has my experience of Life.
Many teachers and thinkers and life-experiences have had a big effect on this development.
One thinker whose writings have had a big influence on me has been Neale Donald Walsch. He is the author of the book-series 'Conversations With God'. I recommend his books to everyone. In those books he articulates a new view of Life/God, and a new Spirituality. I find his thoughts to be very liberating and I have found lots of wisdom from his writings.
There are many thinkers/teachers whose Life and teachings have had a big influence on me, these include Jesus, Buddha, Mother Amma for example. The ones I mentioned there are well-known Spiritual Teachers but I have been very influenced by many other type of teachers too, like artists or social commentators. And of course by the people who have been in my life, people who have lived around me, people with whom I have spent time and shared experiences. All that has been shaping the view and experience that I have about Life right now, all that has lead to this moment.