Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Winter-days. Reflections from Jan.07

Dear friends,

Long time no post. But Life does not stop. New year started, holidays ended, school started. During my holiday time I finished one school project. It was titled " Significant event" -Merkittävä kokemus. One had to choose one experience from one's life and make a 1-min film about it. My topic was a religious crisis. So, I played myself being 17-years old and very confused and looking for clarity. I still have confusion in my life I quess but perhaps not that much and not in that exact form.

Next project was fiction film made with a crew of 10 people, largest group I have worked with so far in film-projects. I was directing this project. I think it went well considering it was my first time in this kind of situation. Almost half of the movie was shot outside. And it was quite cold there. Our group took it pretty well I think.
The story in this little film was about a young couple and their relationship. The woman has been paralyzed from the waist down, so she's in a wheelchair. And the guy has hard time with this situation too. I won't say more now in case I'll show it to you one day. It took us three days to shoot this project.

The school started full-on in early January and it hasn't really slowed down. I am trying to keep up. And I ought to start looking for summer-jobs too. That's how this wheel spins in my life.

What else? I don't really know. It seems that school takes most of my time. In the evenings I am in the internet... surfing, chatting with friends or then I watch a movie. I don't really have hobbies, except occasional meditation-classes at zen-center.

It was really cold few weeks back. Well over -20 C. First it felt crazy, this weather, but somehow the body adjusted. Now it has warmed up a bit.
Talking about weather... the energy-debate is very much on here in Finland now when the parliamentary-elections are approaching. And there was also this big EU-conference where they agreed to reduce 20% emissions in EU by year 2035. ( I quote from my memory. Figures might be wrong. ) That is the goal anyhow.

I also read interesting articles about how our brain works. I had been convinced for a long time that our mind can actually alter our physical brain-structure, but I had not seen many articles, scientific articles abou this. Well, now there was many articles devoted to this stuff in Time-magazine.
" In its place ( the old dogmas about brain being very much fixed in form and hard-wired. ) has come the realization that the adult brain retains impressive powers of neuroplasticity- the ability to change its structure and function in response to experience." ( from an article How the brain rewires itself by Sharon Begley ) The mind can change the brain seems to be the conclusion from some recent studies in brain-science. Thinking can change patterns in the brain... patterns that are related to depression for example. Richard Davidson, neuroscientist, has also studied Buddhist monks with FMRI scans to find out if positive states of mind such as compassion and happiness are something that could be developed by systematic mental training. The results are strongly suggesting the affirmative.

I also finished reading Neale Donald Walsch's book Home With God. It is the latest and possibly the last from Conversations With God series. These books have had a great impact on me. They have been changing the way I think and live my life. I was especially moved by these book when I was in college and in Snellman-school few years ago. These books are so positive.. but not in a make-believe "oh the world is just pink flowers and butterflies" kind of way. It addresses the biggest problems too. I really recommend these books. Books can't change your life by themselves but they can remind us of the important things we might have forgotten. They can be pointers to truth and beauty within ourselves.

I also saw Joona Toivanen trio playing in Kypärämäki last weekend. That made my day! Many friends were there. My parents came to see the concert too. The atmosphere was warm and peaceful. I had my video-camera with me there. oh yeah, I did not tell you about that earlier. I got a way cool video-camera from my parents for christmas-present! They brought it from Malaysia. It was lot cheaper there. Camera uses mini-dv's. It is very handy. I love it.

Best movies in January: Samaritan Girl ( Kim Ki-DUk) Stalker ( Tarkovsky) , Pan's Labyrinth ( Del Toro ?) and Ordinary People ( Robert Redford). These four movies are really good, so if you find them watch them. Highly recommended. More movie ratings from my flixster-site. I do not know if you can browse my ratings without signing in? Not sure.

One semi-secret hobby that I've had lately has been O.C- the first season. OC works for me. Yeah sure, it is not perfect but it is entertaining and at times it has some well-working serious drama too. I like it. I am gonna finish the whole season soon.

I wish you very magical and beautiful and enjoyable month.
At your service,
Lauri Anssi